José Ramón Fernández Gamboa
José Ramón joined the ALGC group as joint PhD of VLIR-UOs project in September 2020. In his PhD, he utilizes both ab initio simulations and machine learning for materials design, and exploration of structural, electronic and electrical properties of a series of alkali-metal compounds. He is supervised by Professors Frederik Tielens (VUB) and Yohandys Alexis Zulueta. However, he is interested in machine learning for find new materials for with interesting properties in field of energy storage.
Selected Publications
J.R. Fernández-Gamboa, F. Tielens, Y.A. Zulueta, Theoretical study of Li2Ti6O13, Li2Sn6O13 and Li2Zr6O13 as possible cathode in Li-ion batteries, Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 2022, 152, 107074. doi:10.1016/j.mssp.2022.107074
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